Friday, November 20, 2020

Post #18 Friday Flyer - November 20, 2020


Words from Grace

2020 is a year we will remember for all time. In spite of the pandemic, the racial and political divide in our country, and losses of cherished BPS leaders and loved ones, we still have much to be grateful. I think about Keith Love, George Cox, and Jinny Chalmers - I did not know these people first hand, but I feel the impact they've had. We stand upon the shoulders of these leaders and build upon their legacies. Each day we plant seeds for others who will make contributions we could never predict - they will stand upon our shoulders and become educators and leaders to carry on the work to ensure all students have access and opportunities they deserve. As we enter the Thanksgiving season, I reflect upon all we have to be grateful for in spite of the pandemic, in spite of the losses. I believe in the human spirit and our ability to overcome whatever challenge presented us. As Jinny Chalmers would say, "Keep the faith."


Last night you received your projections. As Nate and Jamie have stated - don't panic. Since we are in a time where nothing is predictable, I'm glad we will not be applying the same weighted student funding formulas/process as in the past. Go with the flow - be creative since previous rules may not apply. 

A/B/4 day HIPP

You should be seeing changes in Aspen based on work you completed with your PandA liaison - for region 6 that was with either Karen Book or Daniela Reyes-Saade. If the family preference for HIPP = 4 days and they fit, you should see those changes reflected in Aspen. In all regions K-8, we have 83 total homerooms where students do not fit because of social distancing. On Monday or Tuesday, I'll be reaching out to Kenny (11 rooms), Mildred (8), Murphy (2), Shaw (1), and Timilty (3) to try to resolve the overages with the goal being as many students being allowed to return as possible. 

No changes have been made based on 1) A/B switch request from families 2) School referral to increase number of days for existing HIPP or adding students to the HIPP category based on tiered support (that needs to be documented in Panorama). All of these pieces have to fit together in order for us to accommodate all hybrid A/Bs. Beware of filling your classrooms with four day HIPPs that will then result in A/B's not being able to fit. In other words, make sure there's space for all hybrid requests before fulfilling four day HIPP requests. 

You know your schools the best - I will work with you in order to be prepared for the eventual return to in-person learning for all students, not just our students designated as high priority. 

Region 6 Meeting Time on Tuesday

Thanks for working through all the technical challenges of observing classrooms during last Tuesday's region time. Let's expect the tech gremlins (as Leslie describes) and not fret over the barriers. We are all learning how to navigate in the remote environment! I appreciate that we made the effort and took the time to visit classrooms together. Perfection is not the goal. Visiting classrooms and discussing teaching and learning together, is. I look forward to round 2 this coming Tuesday at 10.

This past Monday, I had to navigate Zoom (neither Tess nor Dana were available😢) to facilitate the HIPP Task Force with over 30 people including our superintendent. I did not have the interpretation feature on my Zoom - resulting in a loss of approximately 20 minutes with task force members having to pivot to other Zoom links. It was stressful and embarrassing. Our superintendent offered me grace, and there has been no blowback from the loss of time. I was so stressed 😱, I was barely able to function in those 20 minutes and yet I felt the weight of responsibility for the meeting to go as planned because the recommendations from this body affects us all. I was able to sleep that night, however, because of the "grace" offered by all. 

We can do this for each other as well - and I am continuously grateful to be on this journey with you. Remember, none of us has done this work before - perfection is not the goal - doing better each day is.

Important Dates

November 25 - half-day of school

November 26-27 - Thanksgiving - no school

December 2 - Boston School Committee Meeting - 5p

December 10 - All School Leader PD and PLCs

December 24 - January 4 - Winter Recess

January 18 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Division of Academics

Annual BPS School Leader Arts Survey Due December 18th 

We are asking school leaders for your assistance in implementing the 13th annual BPS Arts Survey in order to better understand the availability and distribution of arts education in the BPS. Your participation has enabled the successful efforts of BPS Arts Expansion to garner nearly $15M in external resources for our schools and students. As part of the initiative, we are once again asking you or your designee to complete the annual online survey by December 18. The survey link is:


It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

When you complete the survey by December 18, your school's name will be placed in a raffle. Four raffle-winning schools will receive $500 to be used for art supplies or other arts-related needs. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Derek Lin at or Julia Gittleman at

Rethinking Thanksgiving

The History/Social Studies and Early Childhood departments of the Boston Public Schools have collaborated to provide K1-12 grade resources to assist with planning activities, discussions, and lessons related to Thanksgiving and other upcoming holidays. As we enter into the holiday season, the resources provided present an exploration of Thanksgiving and winter holidays that are culturally and linguistically sustaining and uplifts a historical, social and cultural narrative that attends to the seven forms of bias.

Engaging Students Remotely Using Math Routines - Professional Development Opportunity

Description: Teachers will learn several rich mathematical routines that allow students to engage in mathematical thinking remotely. These routines provide entry points for all learners, allow students to build on each other's ideas and keep students thinking at the center of discussion allowing for an equitable mathematical experience.

Thursday, December 10th 4:00-5:30 pm Grades K-6

Zoom Link:

Tuesday December 8th, 4:00-5:30 pm Grades 7-12

Zoom Link:

Division of Accountability

First Semester Student, Teacher, and Family Surveys

Short surveys of the BPS community will be launched after Thanksgiving break. The survey content will be focused on academic and operational priorities intended to provide information for planning and course corrections. Please review the Communication Guide for schools and Survey Questions for more detailed information.

Please reach out to the Office of Data and Accountability if you have any questions:

Panorama Weekly Update:  

Review: Key Panorama Updates

This week we review recent Panorama updates, shared in previous memos: 

  • 11/13 memo: illustrates how to answer key attendance data questions.

  • 11/5 memo: shares October usage statistics, with gratitude for staff learning the new system! 

  • 10/29 memo: describes the “Trending” filter for  improving or declining students’ attendance. 

  • 10/22 memo: highlights differences between Aspen Journal & Panorama Support Notes.

  • 10/15 memo: shows examples of best uses for Panorama Support Notes.

  • 10/8 memo: explains that Panorama Support Notes can replace many common uses for Aspen Journal, and walks through how to create Attendance Success Plans in Panorama.

**Our next memo will share an update about new assessment data that will be available soon 

Key Panorama Student Success Resources

  • For additional support, invite staff to sign up: Office Hours for Panorama Student Success. Sessions extended through early December, covering four different topics:

    • Panorama 1.0: Introduction

    • Panorama 2.0: Attendance

    • Panorama 2.0: Academics and Assessments

    • Panorama 2.0: Key Platform Features

  • The BPS Student Success Help Site includes key resources including: office hours sign-up, FAQ, asynchronous training materials, a platform data guide and more. 

  • Questions:

Division of Equity, Strategy, & Opportunity Gaps

Register Now for November 30, 2020!

Our Division invites all district employees -- Central Office staff and school-based staff -- to the launch of our Anti-Racist School District professional development arc of learning opportunities for SY20-21 on Monday November 30 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. This program is strongly encouraged for department heads and school administrators, but all staff are warmly welcome to attend.

Objectives of the November 30 Session

  1. Assess: Participants will assess, individually and as leaders/members of a Central Office department or school team, what professional development programs we have completed or planned, what past initiatives we have completed or remain ongoing, and our current status related to progress toward being an anti-racist organization.

  2. Develop Next Steps: Rooted in that assessment, participants will consider possible individual and department/school next steps based on an arc of learning, and a menu of options offered and/or supported by the Division of Equity, Strategy, and Opportunity Gaps.

To register, please sign up here.

Division of Human Capital

Paid Leave for COVID-19 Testing

City of Boston employees can get up to one hour of paid leave every 14 days to get tested during their normal work hours. To take advantage of this time, fill out a self-certification of COVID-19 testing form at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment and submit to HR before your scheduled appointment.

The 2021-2022 Budget & Staffing Season is almost here!

We wanted to offer you a rough timeline for when to expect important meetings and deadlines for the upcoming Budget & Staffing Season. Please be on the lookout for meeting invitations from your Budget & Staffing Liaisons in the coming weeks!

  • Future Force Training - Early December (exact date TBD)

  • Enrollment Projections - Target Date: November 19

  •  Budgets Released - Target Date: December 14th

  • Pre-Probable Org Meetings - Between November 30th - December 18th

  • Budget Collab & Probable Org Meetings (autonomous schools) - Between January 7th - February 1st

  • Budget Collab & Probable Org Meetings (traditional schools) -  Between January 7th - February 7th

Emergency Licensure (impact at Probable Org)

This year DESE offered an "Emergency License" option to teachers who were not previously licensed in other areas. Many teachers opted for this license, rather than getting a waiver. Please note that these emergency licenses are valid for one year only, so at the time of Probable Org, when we are reviewing licensure for the following year, if they have not obtained a provisional or initial license, they will be automatically non-renewed for the following school year. Please reach out to all of your staff teaching on Emergency Licenses this year and encourage them to take any necessary steps to help ensure they are able to be renewed in their positions next year.

Division of Operations

Zoom Updates 

Is your Zoom missing functionality or not working as it should? Zoom updates frequently (around every 7-10 days), so please make sure you are running the latest version of Zoom. In addition, check out our recommended Zoom security settings to ensure you are running meetings safely and responsibly.


As work continues to move forward in buildings please ensure the Building Occupancy During Remote Time tracker is up to date.


The Transportation Department is working hard to improve our service and expand our reach, with new customer service management and ticketing platform. Students, families, and others can review our policies and FAQs as well as enter and check support tickets in our new Support Portal. We've also introduced a new online chat feature on our website, where parents can chat with a live Customer Service Representative, as another alternative to our existing Transportation Hotline.

Any questions or feedback? Reach out to Dan Rosengard at

AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act)

In 2019, the MA Department of Labor Standards served BPS with more than $90,000 in fines for violations of AHERA, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, which led to a review of the entire district's AHERA Management Plan and all schools' individual plans.

AHERA Management Plan Binder - Main Office: A major requirement of compliance to AHERA, and what led to these fines, is the physical presence of a school's AHERA Management Plan in every school's Main Office, residing in a 3-ring white binder.  

  • Every binder was delivered to its school's Main Office in fall 2019 and its delivery signed off by a Main Office staff member.

  • The presence and accessibility of the binder is vital to compliance because all staff and families must have access to their AHERA Management Plan, should they so choose. 

  • Most importantly, no contractor can do work in the buildings without first reviewing the materials within the binder and signing off on a form within the binder. 

  • Without being able to access the binder and review/sign-off, a contractor could improperly disturb asbestos in the building while conducting work

  • We continue to receive too frequent feedback from contractors and inspectors that schools' Main Office staff do not know about the binder and are unable to produce it upon request. Again, this is a major, hazardous violation of state law.

AHERA - Room Numbers: Another practice that continues to make BPS in violation with AHERA is when schools make an internal decision to change their room numbers. 

  • AHERA Management and the presence of asbestos in school building materials corresponds with room numbers. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Post #17 Friday Flyer - November 13, 2020

Words from Grace

The weeks fly by between weekly memos... I appreciate your continuing to focus on remote instruction, and I appreciate the lift that Mark is taking to offer in-person learning for families that have opted in to begin on Monday. It has been a roller coaster for him with much uncertainty. On top of that, Mark is managing a lot with the new Carter building project - collaborating with architects and the City.

Meanwhile, focusing in on instruction is the primary work we will do during our region meetings. Next Tuesday, we will take a few minutes to connect, then get into our small groups to:

  1. calibrate on the focus using CRIOP or the school's standard of excellence/instructional focus 
  2.  observe 
  3. debrief the focus and the highest impact lever for feedback

In preparation, the school in the first column (in red) should go first - if it is not feasible, please switch with a colleague. 



Orchard Gardens







Lee Academy












Returning Students in High Priority Groups

In spite of rising Covid rates, there are students who need in-person services - specifically those students who have 1:1's, in an MD or ABA strand. In preparation, it may be prudent to reach out to families whose children are in these categories to confirm/reconfirm their preference for in person learning. Some families may be hesitant due to the rising rates. This updated information is essential for planning and preparation. 

Any building that opens requires BPHC approval. 

We have a message from our State's Department of Health, the governor, and DESE with new metrics that tells us to bring students back; this is happening at a time when rates of infection are rising in our state and country. Some of our families are desperate for support, and if we brought back students, we are relying on staff to opt in. Nothing is predictable, yet the urgency remains... Meanwhile, we have almost all of our staff and students teaching/learning in a remote setting. For now, continue your focus there and have a few people make calls to prepare if you have students with 1:1, in MD or ABA strands. 

Thank you for all you do to serve students and families. I wish more could be done to support you. Know that I am grateful. 💕

Important Dates

November 18 - Boston School Committee Meeting

November 25 - Half-day of school

November 26-27 - Thanksgiving - No School

December 24 - January 4 - Winter Recess

Division of Accountability

Transformation Schools Update - Nov. 13

Panorama Weekly Update

Did you know? 9,627 BPS students had attendance lower than 90% last school year (through 3/13/20). Only 45% of these 9,627 students are on track in attendance for SY20-21. Find out more ways to take action on other key attendance questions:

20-21 Data Digest Dashboard is Live!

The 20-21 Data Digest Dashboard is now available to all BPS school leaders and staff. It contains evolving school-level data, including enrollment by learning model, attendance by student group, and online learning rates by student group. 

  • Follow this link with your BPS email address. 

  • Select “Allow” in the “Grant Consent” pop-up to see your school’s data. 

More information on data in this dashboard and other platforms can be found in the Fall 2020 Data Guide. If you have questions or difficulties viewing the data, please contact Stephanie Marek (  

BPS Interims Announcement: Newly Scheduled Virtual PDs

ODA is offering a number of virtual PD opportunities in the coming weeks. Sessions will cover how to prepare to administer the Interims and how to view and analyze results. Each PD will be available asynchronously. Details and registration information can be found here. Please contact Dana Pulda-Acone at with any questions.

PD Opportunity - The Soul of Leadership

The Massachusetts School Administrators' Association is offering a professional learning opportunity for school leaders titled The Soul of Leadership: Courage, Presence, and Integrity. Sessions from January 20 - June 24, 2021 will provide  principals across the state with time and support to develop their social emotional capacity to manage job-related stress, build trust, and model caring and culturally responsive behaviors. More information including presenters, times, and cost can be found here.

Division of Equity, Strategy & Opportunity

Recruitment, Cultivation & Diversity Programs (RCD) has MOVED!

The RCD team is now the Office of Recruitment, Cultivation & Diversity Programs, and has moved to the Division of Equity, Strategy, and Opportunity Gaps led by Dr. Charles Grandson.  RCD was formerly under the Office of Human Capital (OHC).  The move was made in order to bring more capacity to the Division in order to carry out Dr. Casselius' more expansive vision of eliminating disparities throughout the entire district.

RCD will expand its work more broadly throughout the district to ensure that every department and every school rigorously realizes the district’s comprehensive and ambitious plan to elevate and expand our strategic workforce diversity initiatives.

Register now for November 30, 2020!

The Division of Equity, Strategy, and Opportunity Gaps now comprises four offices: the Offices of Equity; Opportunity Gaps (OOG); Recruitment, Cultivation, and Diversity (RCD); and Strategy and Innovation. Collectively, we aim to align the work of the district to the Strategic Plan, the Opportunity and Achievement Gap Policy, and the principles and practices of anti-racism.

Our Division invites all district employees -- school-based and district office staff -- to the launch of our professional development arc of learning opportunities for SY20-21 on Monday November 30 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. This meeting is strongly encouraged for department heads and school administrators, but all staff are welcome to attend.

To register, please sign up here . You can also use the form to indicate your interests in any of the 40 workshops we offer; sign up for any of the four RCD Intentional Recruitment Affinity Councils for Latinx, Asian, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Deaf and Hard of Hearing educators; or to learn more about becoming an Equity Champion. 

If you are unable to attend, the asynchronous video and materials will be linked in Around BPS, Lead BPS, and the Friday Flyer following the session. You can also email us at Further, next month we will be sending out a Calendly link so you can sign up for coaching sessions for your team’s differentiated support needs. In the meantime, make sure you are using the latest Office of the Supt-BPS Racial Equity Planning Tool - July2020 (REPT) for key decisions and major initiatives involving our historically marginalized students, families and staff. Requests for assistance with the REPT and completed REPTs should be directed to for support and feedback.


Please join us in recruiting, hiring, developing and retaining our most talented and diverse educators by sharing and utilizing the resources and opportunities available through our Office.  To learn more, see our RCD Overview , our brochure, and our website.

Division of Human Capital

Educator Evaluation Update

Linked here is a quick reference guide for evaluators with helpful how-to's and reminders about evaluation for this point in the school year. 

Please share the link with your evaluation team, and feel free to reach out to your PMT Liaison or with any questions. 

Fraudulent Unemployment Claims

At this time the district is experiencing high volumes of fraudulent unemployment claims. This is a nationwide issue, and the state is working hard to deny all false claims. If you receive a letter in the mail for an unemployment claim that you did not initiate, please complete a form using the link below for the state to investigate. 

The Office of Human Capital (OHC) will begin sending notifications to let employees know when we receive a claim that we believe to be fraudulent. The OHC team managing unemployment claims is responding to the state and flagging all claims with fraud for the state's immediate attention.

Should you have any questions regarding unemployment claims please contact Jania Bell (

State of Massachusetts Unemployment Fraud Reporting:

Division of Operations


Final Fall BPS Speaker Series

Sunday, November 15, 7pm

Positive Coaching Alliance Workshop #4 

Honoring the Game - Social Media

Registration Link:

BPS Athletics Speaker Series Meeting #4

Mental Side of Sports

Public Link:


As work continues to move forward in buildings please ensure the Building Occupancy During Remote Time tracker is up to date.

Food Service

FYI for leaders, food service staff are still on-site during remote until negotiations are finalized.