Sunday, August 14, 2022

Until We See Each Other Again

Saying Good-bye is too final.
These Chinese symbols mean See you again 
and pronounced "joi geen" in Cantonese.

It is hard to believe that this coming November, my mother will turn 91, and it will be 49 years since my father was shot and killed in front of our small store in Memphis. My mother raised three children (ages 7, 8 and 10 upon my father's death) and cared for my paternal grandparents until the end of their lives. My mother has had an impact on four generations - my grandparents, her own, her children's, and her seven grandchildren. This makes me think of how we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.

Mom has made her home with us for 25 years. My daughter had the benefit of growing up in an extended family, just as I did. Mom has been selfless for 60 years. As a result, I have been able to serve as an educator and leader continuously, and there was always someone home for my daughter.

There is so much more to this story, and it was not until I came to Boston - 28 years into my 33 year career - when the story mattered. For that, I am very grateful.

It is time now for me to have more time for my mother, my daughter, my husband, and for me. Many ask, What are you going to be doing? The answer is I don't know. I will see what opportunities come my way. I know that caring for Mom, staying active and healthy, and reading are on my list. I also know that the week of Labor Day as you welcome back students and staff, I will be with my husband camping in Acadia. We have never been away during this time because I've always been getting ready for school. My family has never had a wife, daughter, or mother who was "present" in August and September. I admit, it is a weird feeling not to be preparing for opening, but on the other hand, I've never been more relaxed.

It's a perfect time to transition with a new district superintendent, much change is ahead and it is best for those who will carry that work forward to be leading. I wish all of you the best. 

Keep the work centered on students and schools!

With all my heart, "joi geen,"


Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Flyer - June 24, 2022


I am imagining you are feeling like you ran
several marathons. I think you are all winners!
Congratulations for making it through the finish line.

I have shared this graph with in the past - it is a graph of a first year teacher's attitudes toward teaching in their first year. I have often observed that first year leaders also experience this roller coaster, and as we become more experienced, we continue to experience it, but the peaks and valleys are less extreme. 

I also imagine the "disillusionment" phase was probably much longer this past year and as a result rejuvenation will also take more time. Please, please disconnect so you find joy in anticipation of starting a new year in September.


It has been my honor to lead in Boston these past five years and to have been school superintendent of Region 6, in East Boston, and other schools in the city. I'm also grateful to you all for your patience these past two years - first when the task force work was underway, and this year with the addition of Mission Hill. I appreciate that regardless of the noise, you continued to persevere and do the right thing for students.

Best of Luck!

I wish the best to Mike, who is moving on to the Guild to work with Karen McCarthy and Sean Brooks to focus on mathematics coaching (and all the things Karen will be able to ask him to do - 😂😂😂 - don't get me wrong, I love Karen). To Marvin, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking on closing the Timilty. He accomplished the three things I asked of him - thank you! I marveled at his tenacity, commitment and creativity. Marvin is heading to Milton Academy in a newly created role that will allow him to continue to use his creativity and logical mathematics mind to build something great.


Each of you remaining will have a new supervisor next year, and yes, there will be a transition, but I know you will be fine because of the strong systems and structures you have in place and because you are focused on improving outcomes and closing opportunity gaps for multilingual learners, students with disabilities, and our beautiful full-of-genius black and brown children. As a leader, you are their advocate; you can change the trajectories of children's lives.

I trust that next year will be more predictable cadence that will allow you to get traction on the instructional plans you have in place. Be patient with the new region structure while the support is deployed; it will take time for everyone to adjust to working together. Remember that everyone has the best intentions and when that doesn't seem so, ask questions. 


I will continue to be available over the summer and will share my personal number and email prior to my retirement date when I turn in my laptop and phone. 

Friday Flyer

Please review highlighted content carefully.